Why Web & TV Shows Are Now Getting More Attention Than Movies
Back in the days, movies were known to be the major entertainment source. They made the most money and got the most praises but the time is changing. Nowadays web series and TV shows seem to be getting more attention than movies and today we're going to discuss why. Differences between Movies and Shows Shows (web or TV) have multiple episodes which give them more time to convert their story and showcase their characters to the audience. Even the mini-series have more screentime than movies. Because of this, shows often have more characters, simply because they have enough time to showcase them while not distracting the focus from the storyline and the main characters. Movies, on the other hand, have very little time to do anything. As people continue to watch more web series and TV shows, they are getting accustomed to the long watch hours and are slowly losing their interest in movies, because they end so early without leaving an impact. How do episode-wise distribution and long ...